
You are as a wildflower
Meant to be
With pure intention and clarity
Taking responsibility
for your presence

You are as a wildflower
So don’t lower the wildness
but rather be in sync
with how the real flow of Life is
Simple and abundant

You are as a wildflower
and yet
your power has shown itself by your perseverance

Yes, you know Truth
You are one
with the laws of Life
Gods will is yours
and freedom is your state of mind

Nothing can control
the essence of your soul
the potential of the seed in the soil

The seed of now
because there is no tomorrow
there is no history
There is only the story of creation
in this eternal moment

You are as a wildflower
that springs up in the middle of nowhere
Knowing that now is always here
And even if you are called a weed
nothing can make you disappear

In your absence is hidden
the force of existence
So it’s guaranteed
that you overgrow the whole field
and multiply into infinity


The butterfly effect


Heaven on earth